Well, he was also the son of an admiral and felt like he had a lot to prove etc and most people know at least a little bit about his military service (you should look it up, really. Fascinating article in Rolling Stone when he was gunning for Pres.)
I can't remember much about his first wife (other than the fact that he was already dating his now 2nd wife when he asked his 1st wife for a divorce), but if it was important to this story I would look it up, trust me.
His second wife, however, is central to this story. She is an heiress; of what? A Budweiser distributorship; "one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in the United States."
And what have we seen tens of thousands of on the side of the road in AZ/NM? Bud cans, Bud Light bottles, Bud/Bud Light Chelada drinks; with a great deal of broken glass in "the debris lane" as well, of course. Tens of thousands of them. The Budweiser heiress' husband can't remember how many homes they own - from distributing Bud - but their product is so littering the roads and highways that it seems like an absolute shame. Why doesn't Bud, or their distributors, do something to clean up their product's mess? Why don't they start some kind of program, rather than waiting till the govt makes them do it (which corporations and industries hate, as we all know)? Why doesn't "our" govt MAKE them clean it up? Why doesn't "our" govt tax them a tiny amount - and then use those proceeds to pay, say, unemployed people, to pick them up? And here's a crazy thought - recycle them?! Clearly there is enough money being made, even just in distributing the Bud products to keep the husbands of the children of the distributorship's founder in so much wealth that they can't even keep track of it.
But, as we all know, the American govt really isn't in the business of representing the American people. Just look at the recent Senate action on gun safety, where our own WI Senator Ron "30 clip" Johnson (for whom the NRA spent $1.89 million to help get him elected in 2010, on top of RonJohn's own/his wife's brother's corporation's $10 million) helped shoot down the "background check" legislation that 90% of Americans and 81% of Wisconsinites supported (the vote was 54 to 46 in favor - but because of "the new Republican normal" behavior - you need a super-majority of 60 votes to get anything passed). If that is NOT supporting the American people, being responsive to their wishes, I don't know what is. Instead, as usual, the American govt supports corporations and industries, and their lobbying arms - like the NRA (even though many NRA members supported this particular legislation.) American corporatocracy, at its finest.
Reading about the history of this area, where the American govt has been super supporters of the ranchers and miners from the moment we were ripping this land from the Apaches, it seems to fit right in.
The long and short of it is that the rich and powerful will continue to bask in the glow of fabulous wealth and govt support; while the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the police/military is primarily focused on protecting the wealthy and corporate interests. Exxon and BP (and Shell, and...) will spill oil in pristine waters again, the Keystone XL pipeline will likely be built - and there will both be spills of bitumen (Which is not actually "oil", as narrowly defined by current American law. So the corporations profiting off the pipeline won't be liable for the inevitable clean ups; as already witnessed in Arkansas. It's not oil! [A sweet little loophole bought by the "oil" industry lobby; and sold by "our" Congress]) and more millions of dollars for the Koch brothers, who are also heirs of great fortune.
So, I'm sorry to say it, but the Bud bottles and cans littering the highways and byways of John McCain's home state (and neighboring NM) are just going to continue to pile up - and there's not a damn thing you or I can do about it.