Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pecan pickers will be prosecuted!

I can read the sign (in English, anyway)
And ... "Readin's fer rich people"
Riding through miles of pecan trees today
Into a brutal headwind/cross headwind
I kept thinkin' of that song, but with slightly altered lyrics
"Millions of pecans
Pecans for me!"

And it was makin' me think of the windy riding this time of year, at home in the Flatwest
And how it seems every year people (that I ride with, anyway) need to learn to ride efficiently in a group
Ride towards the wind
Call "car back!" for the person out front, givin' you the echelon, workin' their glutes off - for you!

Unless it is a race
And you've got a wheel sucker
Then make that SOB gutter grovel!

This PSA brought to you from the pecan growers of S NM

1 comment:

  1. The music video,itag,source,uaopt,upn,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=6D25CE44CA81973C110C35CFA31ACEC116919BD4.810C375824B3121177D363108DCA975890C22135&key=yta2&ms=au&newshard=yes&nh=EAQ&mv=m&mt=1366860860&cms_redirect=yes


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