Thursday, May 2, 2013

Addiction and racism

Ridin' along the Southern NAFTA border, seeing the massive amount of our tax dollars going to the new, expanded, "rich" Border Patrol, I can't help but think that we aren't being "adults", that we aren't facing up to our own drug use, abuse and addiction.
We should face facts and make marijuana legal, regulate it, and tax it. Hell, we could even use some of that revenue to fund the BP. That would take away a lot of the money, power, and related violence (for them, as well as for us) of the Mexican drug gangs - as they try to supply American's demand for those drugs. But all we do is point the finger at Mexico and say "Look at all their problems with gangs and violence!" Childish, and stupid; not good for us, in the long run (let alone for all the victims of violence down there). Will we "grow up"?
I doubt it; and partly because I read that the alcohol industry lobby spent $9 million AGAINST legalizing marijuana in CA during their recent referendum. Yet another example of corporate/industry lobby groups (like the NRA, representing gun/ammo manufacturers - against the wishes of 91% of the American people. Who won that one?) fighting for their narrow special interests (and usually only for industry profit. I think "the profit motive" is powerful, and fine - but it should not be the "be all, end all" in a self-proclaimed "democratic" society - it should be one of many goals, incentives - controlled for the people by the govt [which has been totally, successfully emasculated by corporations and billionaires, and their paid lobbyists], not those of the state or nation, or "We, the people" - and winning. Because the American system is now wholly corrupt. And that's really too bad, eh? We could have done so much better, as a nation and as individual states.

And "free trade", as in NAFTA? I'll bet it's the very same people and politicians who were clamoring for the "free trade" agreement with Meh he Co (and Canada, eh?) that are now saying "Welcome to America - now speak English!" Or "Build a fence!" Or "Kick them all out!"
But lord knows how bitchy they'd get if there were no migrant farm laborers to pick their strawberries...
How long has AZ been a state? How about NM? As I'm fond of saying, Casey Stengel used to famously say, "You could look it up!"
So can we just call a spade a spade, and admit that after the European-Americans "cleared the area of Indians", as the Historical Markers proclaim, a couple generations ago, the descendants of those people still have some violently anti-"darker than them skin pigmented" people attitudes? We saw on tv last night a former Senator from TX talking about how "awful" the Comanche raids were, for "the people" of TX. Really? How was it for the Comanches? (To have some new strange people with pale skin, strange ideas about "property" and "fences" and new, more deadly weapons? How was it for them?)
So can we just call it what it was? And likely, passed on from past generations, still is? Let's try ignorance, hubris, greed and racism.
And not "freedom", or "free trade", or "Don't tread on me". Because that just makes us look silly.

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