Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Broken record

We keep meeting nice people on this trip.

Yesterday we met Jessamee and Zach, going the other way, at the top of the hill that I was referring to as "Bart Simpson's head" - cause you went steeply up, then across a flat but rolling top, then steeply down - just like Bart's hair/head!

Then last night and this morning we had nice chats with John and Joanne at the "Lost yer Marbles State Wreck-reation Area" (although I could have the name wrong), also bike touring the other way. They don't know how close we were to taking them up on their offer of lunch, and staying another night there!

So, like I've said before, if you want to meet interesting, nice people - go bike touring.

And sorry for sounding like a broken record.
(For you kids out there, in the old days, when you listened to music, to "records", or "vinyl", it could get a scratch in it and skip, repeating the same section of recording over and over, until you got up and went over and lifted the needle off the record.
Now when you hear rappers say
"Put the needle on the record!"
"I've got two turntables and a microphone"
It might make more sense?

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