Sunday, May 19, 2013

"How y'all doin'?"

"I said How Y'all Doin'?!!!
Muh name's 'Bumpy DeBris'
And I'll be up here all day
Pointin' out obstacles in yer path
And pushin' that nasty crosswind outta yer way
On yer road to righteousness..."

I wuz thinkin' this mornin'
That I wuz surprised how bad the roads are here in Louisiana
What with all the oil money down here
But then I remembered that
We give oil companies tax money ($4 Billion/year)
They don't give us tax money
(To pay for things like roads)

Then we passed a plantation called "Sugar" somethin'
And I thought of Django Unchained, the movie, and the plantation called "Sugarland" or somethin'

And I realized that not much has changed since the Europeans came here with their African slaves and wiped out the humans they found here (Atakapa, here in LA)
Still lots of 'em in TX esp
Makes me think about Tom Delay
Is he in jail yet?
Or still out fightin' his conviction?
I lost track of him after Dancin' with the Stars

Anyway, I guess it is STILL just a coupla rich white guys, hoardin' all the money fer themselves...

It really never has been about "freedom"; unless you mean to exploit any people or place that we damn well please.
And now we've got middle class white people funded by the likes of the Koch brothers and their "grasstops" groups like "the tea party" complainin' about losin' their freedom?
Frickin' hilarious.

The people you meet while bike touring are awesome.
It's the American and state govt's and the big business and wealthy that they actually represent that suck.

1 comment:

  1. Only you would meet a dude named bumpy. Unless, of course, you made him up!!


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