Saturday, March 9, 2013

Doppler ass

i feel remiss in not mentioning the we got out first "Doppler ass" the other day. We were biking along some quiet stretch of road, thinking it reminded us of Holland in some ways (near the coast) and some guy in a sedan pulls up beside us with his window open and a dog in his lap. He had his right hand over the dogs mouth in a curious way, and he yelled "Uh oh! The first bikers of the season!" Then he let his dog go and it immediately started barking at us rabidly, as he put his foot into his tank and sped off...
may recall Doppler? and the way sound changes with a moving object? Well "Doppler ass" is the name I gave it, years ago, when Jordy and I were biking along and some dudes in a pickup truck yelled some really super intelligent and insightful things out their passenger window at us, and it finished with "Nice aaAAAASSssssssssss!"It really doesn't matter,  but I told Jordy (who is a woman) that it really wasn't clear who's spandex the good old boys liked.

1 comment:

  1. I've had several people in cars slap my ass as they drove by! And one time the person who slapped my ass turned around to see my face. "OH MY GOD, that was my teacher!" I laughed and laughed and laughed!


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