Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is there a new Pope?

In honor of #4 we stopped yesterday to help out an old hobo broke down on the side of the road (Trinidad Scenic Dr - and oh man is it scenic!), with an old bike, busted up "kid" trailer full of all sorts of flotsam and jetsam, and a dog, of course. (I was just glad the dog was friendly and patient on the end of long leash.)
Now, I have been keepin' a loose list in my head of the stuff that I feel is weighin' me down that I want to mail home (or get rid of), at some point. Silly stuff. Might be 2 pounds total? And I know that I am too often penny wise and pound foolish, but I took the four webbing straps with side release buckles off the two bike boxes we were generously given to get our bikes here. We were 5 hours late gettin' in to Crescent City to start this trip (fog - shocking, I know). So we ended up building our bikes in the dark, in a light rain, on the "smoking" picnic table outside the tiny little airport. Bummer dude.
But the nice guy at the airport said "just leave the boxes (4) there and I'll deal with them in the morning." So we left all the packing material inside the boxes, and put them under the edge of the roof so they wouldn't be a melted cardboard mess in the morning. But the miser in me made me take the 2 straps out of each bike box; for what purpose, I had no idea.
Then there was this hobo, on "rich person lane", with a broken frame on his trailer. So I whipped out two of those damn straps that were weighing me down so and lashed his frame together. I only hope it held more than the "ten feet at a time" he said he had been making, between stops to pull the wheel off the frame.
He said he was headed to Seattle.
I didn't ask him about his "Son Worshipper" bumper sticker, but I did wonder...

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