Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Think I'm gonna stop

I find history fascinating. And I don't mean the "high school textbook rah rah America!" stuff. I mean, "what the hell actually happened here"; what people actually did to each other, to non-human animals, to the land, air, and water. Who profited, who lost; and how many morals and religious "convictions" were broken in the acquisition of "fill in the blank" (ranch land, copper/gold/silver mines, oil "reserves", private profit from fruit plantations [whether bananas in Guatemala or tomatoes in Venezuela] etc)
So I usually wanna stop at Historical Markers and dioramas; catch up on a little of the "local flavor".
We read one yesterday, by some old house ruins, that closed with "While the country was being cleared of Indians and bandits". And "Erected by the State of Texas".
Frankly, I'm getting tired of and depressed by "our" history. We were bad back then. And, of course, we really haven't changed our "stripes". If we want somethin', whether land, copper, bananas, strategic location - or oil - we go and take it (or just make sure that it is OUR ["multinational"] corporations that profit off the "resource"). Democracy, treaties and "freedom" be damned. We'll couch it in flowery language, and we certainly won't ask tough questions of the "embedded" journalists employed by NBC which is owned by GE which profits off the very war they are "covering" - AND pays NO federal income taxes to help pay for the wars they profit from.
The "local flavor" is proving quite bitter.
I think I'll give up stopping to drink at the well of Historical Markers, and just keep pedaling.
Unless, of course, I see a monument to "the freedom fighters" who fought against the European-Americans, marching West, the ones stealing their land (using better weaponry - we LOVE war, and guns, "airpower", etc.). Now that would be a Historical Marker worth reading.

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