Monday, May 27, 2013

Seems like dumb white guys in Mississippi still like to beat on "the weak"

(Sorry to our friend, for calling you "the weak". I trust you know what I mean.)

Just heard from a friend that a motorist stopped beside him on the Natchez Trace Parkway just north of Tupelo and yelled at him, among other things, "I pay taxes!" Then proceeded to beat him near death. Another motorist came along, 'bout 15 min into the beating, and the bully sped off in his white dualie pickup truck. Our friend is recovering at home; and would like his assailant identified and arrested.

Now, as a kid I was bullied a bunch. And I didn't appreciate it much. So on behalf of "the bullied" (the weak, in a given situation, in a given setting) I'd like to say to the cowards who do the bullying, diplomatically of course, "Fuck y'all."

And it seems like we need a national campaign to teach these ignorant assholes that cyclists are also homeowners (paying property taxes), motor vehicle owners (paying registration fees and gas taxes. In fact, if anything, the guy who got beat up in this case drives a big damn gas guzzler), income tax payers - unlike a lot of the super wealthy Romney-class people and 'corporate people' such as Google, Facebook, Starbucks, Apple, Boeing, etc. But I guess Rupert Murdoch's Faux Noise Corporation lie factory and the likes of Rush and Charlie Sykes (who's wife is a judge in WI. Awesome!) have done such a good job since Reagan and the Republicans undid the Fairness Doctrine (governing private, for-profit use of the public airwaves) that we now have a shit ton of angry, ignorant assholes. And in this day of so much information, that really is a cryin' shame.

Happy Memorial Day America!


  1. Nearly got picked off this afternoon by an unmarked semi. Could have touched the trailer. Would be nice to simply share the roads! Is that really so hard?

    1. Lame.
      Be careful out there, Paulie!

      And email your legislators. Even if yours hates cyclists (like Sen Ron Johnson) - they need to hear from voters, not just "campaign 'contributors'".

  2. Sorry you got buzzed, illegally Paulie. That sucks. Guess there are "dumb white guys" in Wississippi too, eh?
    In fact, after biking across CA, AZ, NM, LA, MS, AL, and now TN - I'd say "the motorists in WI are 'the worst'".

    I wish "the govt" (in WI, and in Washington) was in the business of making life safer for us, rather than being a lapdog for big business. WI needs an advertising campaign letting motorists (and law enforcement) know about the "3 feet or more at higher speeds" - and an advertising campaign saying "I'm a cyclist. And I pay taxes."


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